The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What The Mainstream Media Missed About Bateman


By now you've all seen the press regarding Langley Township Councillor Jordan Bateman and his blog post. It is the buzz of all the regional newspapers and media outlets and was the headline story for Global BC and several others. You can find the newspaper accounts here and here. We won't re-hash was transpired, but our Editorial Board has several points to draw from all the facts:

  1. Bateman had the guts to speak his mind. For several years he has been accused of being a puppet for the BC Liberal government and Rich Coleman. Obviously he didn't call Coleman or anyone before his blog post and that should be recognized.
  2. Bateman has been known to read all the reports and materials that come before Township Council. He has surprised more than his share of news reporters by knowing about material buried deep inside a long report. In this instance he took the press at their word and blogged comments based on them.
  3. After reading the released documents and speaking directly with Finance Minister Colin Hansen, Bateman apologized to the finance minister for his call for Hansen's resignation.
  4. Unlike the main stream media news accounts may suggest, Bateman did not "retract" everything he said. Bateman surely does not agree with the way the HST was rolled out and he did not sugar coat that fact.
As we pointed out here on this blog before, a certain mayor, when presented with facts (airport lease rates, impossibility of a 0-0-0 tax increase, non-viability of a land trust system, et al), always sticks to his guns to the end like a stubborn child.

Cllr. Jordan Bateman at least is man enough to apologize for the resignation comments that the facts (documents) didn't support. Bateman did the same shortly after taking his first term in office when he realized there was little fat to cut in the ToL budget.

Interesting to note that well-respected veteran Global political correspondent Keith Baldrey commented this evening that Jordan Bateman is not an "insignificant person". He also said Bateman's blog, is well-read by lots of media types, including Keith Baldrey himself!

Bateman had the guts to speak out on the way the roll out of the HST happened. He was man enough to review the facts related to Hansen, HST foreknowledge and the resignation call and deal with it. You can say what you want, but Bateman was not being a "yes man" today. Our Board members have it on good sources that Bateman was not "ordered" to do anything. He did what he felt was the right thing to do based on the facts and clarification from Hansen.
We say Bravo to Jordan Bateman!

1 comment:

Mike Archer said...

Jordan Bateman spoke his mind and in the lethal world of BC provincial politics is being savaged for speaking his mind.

Now everyone with a phony Internet persona is attacking him from behind the security of anonymity for changing his mind.

It takes no courage to post anonymous comments. The voters of Langley Township know what they have in Jordan Bateman - a man who speks his mind and who speaks the truth.

Whether he had to take down the original comments or chose to after talking to Hansen he doesn't deserve the cacaophony of criticism that is being heaped on him.

His supporters know what he stands for. His detractors haven't the courage to either name themselves or stand for office.

He was right to say what he said and he was right in his decision to retract it.

Whatever political damage he suffers as a consequence will not take away the support of his true supporters.

Mike Archer
Langley Today