Upon investigation, this intrepid reporter found out that initially the General Manager of the Co-op denied the group from having the tables outside and following through with the information and signing. Apparently feeling the denial was based on the fact that the Co-op, a very community minded organization, felt this was too politically charged of an issue and they wanted nothing to do with it.
This was a very smart move on their part except, that an unnamed female and male (who were front and centre at the tables) phoned several Co-op Board members and complained that they were being denied and if they were no allowed to do so, they would picket the Co-op on public property along
This can only be viewed as corporate blackmail. Is this not bullying of the highest magnitude? These folks are all working in a clandestine way for the Green slate camp. So, Green and Richter must know of, and support, their activities evidencing and confirming a typical Green/Richter tactic….if I don’t get my way I will threaten or bully until I do.
This is a disgusting example of how the Green slate camp works and a true embarrassment for the Co-op Board and Management who now have to regroup and hopefully this week deal with the situation so next weekend shoppers can truly go to the Co-op and enjoy the shopping experience without having to feel harassed and uncomfortable.
It is of note that there are at least five members of Council who are members of the Co-op, Green, Richter, Fox, Dornan and
This mayor simply doesn’t know how to lead. He is like a little boy in the sand box. If he doesn’t get HIS WAY, he throws sand in to the other boys face. He can’t compromise or work to consensus, nor does he have any desire to. I guess the question one asks is if the vote to reconsider fails, what will be his next tactic, hopefully it won’t involve bullying another business like his troops did with the Co-op that up until now has been a community leader! These Green-Richter strong arm tactics will do nothing but tear our community apart. It is very apparent that in the pursuit of taking good care of friends and insiders, the slate just does not care about the overall good of our community.
-- By Special Editor # 2
Nice job Special Editor # 2 and thanks for the "rest of the story" that we wouldn't have without you.
We received several e-mails today suggesting that we should produce hats and shirts. We don't follow the crowd and we are ignoring them and have for some time now, despite the accusations. We did toy with the thought of a tee shirt and matching cap that says:
"Kick me, I voted for the Green/Richter slate."
Well said. I'm appauled at how Green and Richter at the very least played fiddle to this band of complaint filers that are ripping our Township to shreds. A place where I have been born and raised. Green and Richter forget that the voters elected 7 other people to work with them. Despite the organizational development "expertise", they certainly don't know how to implement it, do they?
when I check out "view my profile"
the only information I get is a picture of a dog with red eyes and a description of said dog. I do not believe a dog could possibly be intelligent enough to manage this enterprise. So WHO ARE YOU really? If you really are a dog then please tell us your name. Your profile fails to mention the name of said puppy.
The Langley Record is managed by a group called an Editorial Board and so it is many people that are involved and we are growing.
The reason for our anonymity initially is because another blog that attacks people and is run by a Township Councillor refuses to state who their editor is. Everyone knows who it is, but he hides behind his little camera and professes to be just the "LFP Photographer".
When you put a name to this blog (some editors have put their real names), then you open yourself up to attacks by this person who doesn't have any credibility himself, but is intent on destroying the names and credibility of others. Everything he accuses others of doing, he is doing himself. Just like him running his anonymous blog. Therefore, we don't plan to give him any satisfaction.
Rickim is a embarassment to Langley and more voters wake up to that idea every day. 1 term wonder!
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