The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reason 488 Why Kim Richter Cannot Be Mayor of Langley Township

Kim Richter was only able to raise $3,968 to launch a campaign for Township Council. There were no informative mailings to the residents and very little details about her platform, except for a poor quality handbill.

We never see what Kim Richter considers to be her "accomplishments" while on Township Council all these years. Could it be that she has only accomplished providing an opposing vote and many, many motions that go without a seconder?

Kim believes the $3,968 is something to be proud of. But during the election she called out beyond the borders of the ToL frantically trying to collect $20K to make a run for mayor. Now her and Editor Ogre lash out at people that had been able to raise much more than Kim Richter had.

We think she needs to fire the campaign manager and get a professional if she intends to try and walk in a certain female's shoes and eventually get a library named after her. The Kim Richter Memorial Bookmobile or something.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! But True. I guess her campaign manager is also the ogre to which you refer. Actually raising that much and wanting to be mayor is a joke indeed. To bad she has no friends left!

Anonymous said...

Her husband called my business associate for a donation. They are not being very honest.

Anonymous said...

$4000 sounds like a bargain until you factor in that Kooky Kimmy is one of the biggest tax dollar spenders on council. Trips all over North America on the taxpayers dime.