"Translink VP Sheri Plewes answers Clr. Kim Richter confirming that all land purchase overpass cost overruns will be the major responsibility of Langley Township!"
Well, reporter Matthew Claxton and others present, must have been at a different meeting than Councillor Richter and her cohorts, as Claxton says in today's Langley Advance:
"Richter asked about cost overruns and who will pay for them, if there are any. Plewes said initially that cost overruns would be taken on by the Township, but later said some could be shared with the province, as well."
Once again the Green/Richter slate blog tells you what they want you to hear and ignores the facts. We should also note that Councillor Richter must be confused, as over the past few months she has been saying that large construction projects should wait, as with this economy they will only get cheaper. Why then would there be any cost overruns?
Our Construction Expert Editor says that currently vendors are quoting 10%-15% lower than our pre-economic meltdown rates. Our expert also points out that as the Township will control the tendering process, the ToL could reduce scope of work or adjust specifications to achieve cost containment. Would you like to build this much-needed overpass during a time such as this, or 20 years from now when the costs will be so much more? The Green/Richter slate just don't get it.
As I see it, the 'original recommendation' from staff was received by motion of Green, seconded by Richter, and then, for clarification of Translink and the Province, deferred one week. Yesterday, when Green was faced with the chilling aspect 'calling the question' on this (his) motion where, if it was passed it would appear Green and Richter would have to vote against 'their motion', Green decided the optics was something he couldn't stomach, and he withdrew his original motion, thereby killing it. It was nothing but another Green-Richter slate delaying maneuver to pacify their audience. Faced with the reintroduction of the staff recommendation, the Green-Richter slate has again pulled another delaying maneuver stating their intent now is to present a `rescind` motion in two weeks. Why should anyone think this is anything by the `typical style` of Richter and becoming the style of `attached-at-the-hip` Green.
Respecting Kositsky`s opposing vote, it would be nice to see him rejecting Mayor Green`s upcoming rescinding motion this time around in two weeks.
Slight difference in wording but similar substance, not different enough to call a lie.
IMHO your blog loses credibility when you resort to dramatics, silly pictures and games. I have come to expect theatrics from Councillor Richter’s blog, but had hoped you would be more facts oriented and grown up.
Instead of sinking to a lower level, why don’t you set an example so they might rise to yours?
Good points anonymous, but the other blog did make a big issue of saying the ToL would have to pay ALL overruns and Richter stressed this in council and didn't correct her statements after it was clarified many times over during the discussion
As for the games, those came as a result of numerous requests from readers from something "funny" as they stated our editors were a bit too serious with our research and such. We have also been told that our posts are too long and have to be broken up into smaller bites so that people can read and quickly comment.
We have been doing one game per week. I don't think that is too excessive and there was a large amount of people on this site when those games were posted, along with the audio file that saw 500+ plays in a single day.
If we do not use our democratic right to laugh at Tricky Ricky, the terrorists win.
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