The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Two Sides to Every Story

Councillor Kim Richter's website today attacks SYNOVATE a global leader in market intelligence and research.  The ALR Commission and Township of Langley staff have also now been brought into question through innuendo in the Richter website article. We will address the poll in another post, but we wish to address the ALR Commission and the application findings here.

Although Councillor Kim Richter provided the public with this overview findings of the ALR Commission, The Langley Record now provides you with the other side of the coin:

Despite the rhetoric from VALTAC , numerous Green insiders and Mayor Green's own public statements of the public process being a "sham", the ALR Commission staff have now confirmed for us that "In 2004 and 2005, area farmers contacted the Commission to express concerns over potential agricultural impacts on farm operations" with any proposed overpass. 

At NO time did ANY ToL councillor ever state that the proposed overpass would have no impact on agricultural lands. As stated in the findings of the ALR Commission:

"...the proposal has been necessitated by events which predate the ALR and which the Commission has acknowledged in previous decisions, thus the focus of the Commission's decision should be on minimizing impacts on agriculture and wherever possible achieving benefits to agriculture"

It is a fact that the Commission's agreement in principle with the new road clearly stated nine (9) pre-requisites to minimize the impact and IMPROVE agriculture in the area (see Page 5 of the document for the details of the 9 prerequisites). 

Why did the Green/Richter slate dig up this report now, when it was clearly available online since November/December 2008? Yet another ploy by the Green/Richter slate to kill the overpass, but more importantly to kill future agricultural benefits from this project! That's right folks, Mayor Green and Councillor Kim Richter have ignored the fact that a condition of this overpass work moving forward is for the project to greatly improve drainage for the entire Milner Valley,  in order to enhance agriculture for the wider area. 

Therefore, you can see that the desires of a few Green/Richter slate insiders is more important to the slate than the Milner Valley as a whole. 


Anonymous said...

Can you believe! Of course they wouldn't want to admit that, we see in todays TIMES that she was 'attacking' staff in the Budget meetings. This is low class and hypocritical to the upmost degree. Staff working in the Township must be so depressed with this continous questioning and negativity as brought forth by the Green/Richter slate agenda.It is time for her to step aside - as you expose more and mpore of the truth EDITOR it is more and morew evident that folks like Horny Toad and Willy Nilly are hoodwinked and suckers for the propoganda that these two sudo-politicians spew. It is time for a new mayor, and Councillor sane ones who have respect built in to their repetoire!operational style.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the "editor" of the other blog is frustrated that he didn't get hoards of comments from the love fest group, so he has to resort to "Anonymous" posts from himself and immature comments that have nothing to do with the facts.

It's hard to think when you have a camera button permanently glued to your hand.But hey, when you are not gainfully employed and your significant other is having to pay all the bills its a pretty pathetic existence, eh?

Anonymous said...

Did you see the LFP has declared the overpass the "Bateman" overpass, wonder if they will name it after him?? Who new he was so powerful?? At such a young age to have a overpass named after you, amazing!!! What's next........ maybe Mayor????

Anonymous said...

You are a cleaver one! It is hilarious that in every article or comment posted they must invoke the Bateman name. One week they make Bateman out to be young and insignificant. But the following day they forget to take their meds and suddenly Bateman becomes the all powerful BC Liberal that is much more powerful than even Premier Campbell. Go figure, but it is amusing to people with some degree of intelligence.

Anonymous said...

As usual Kooky Kim and Tricky Ricky are the ones bullying. I hope the six intelligent forward thinking councillors hold their position on this one.

Anonymous said...

Hey, aren't these protesters being deceptive? They are wearing shirts that talk about getting heavy rail out of Langley and they collected names for that cause. Then one of their ringleaders made that delegation to council and used the same petition to ask council to vote against the overpass and said the two issues are very much interrealted. How can we then believe in any "poll" he conducts?

I know some people that are for the overpass that signed that petition and they are very pissed off that he would do that to them. Maybe he thought that people don't check what is said in council???