The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Buffalo The Public

*** Saturday Update ***
Word today is that Councillor Kim Richter has done it again on her blog. A fairly sizable group of people are very pissed off that a comment clearly posted by someone close to Richter (guess who?) attacks a group of non-profit community-minded people for using their very own mailing list. 

More political baggage for Richter as she alginates the general public with her blog. Keep up the good work Kim! These people are VERY pissed off at you and it is likely that your slate cohort will be negatively impacted as well because, well you know why.

The budget debate will take place at Monday's Township Council meeting. If you attend, pay close attention to the smokescreens of Mayor Rick Green and Councillor Kim Richter. If you watch carefully you will get one great lesson in how to buffalo the public.

First, you sit back and let council talk about their concerns. After all, what do you care, so let them debate the issues. Next, because you went through the motions by forming a "Finance Committee", you can now use that as an excuse. But wait, wasn't the report very slim and in reality said nothing concrete that would help us? Yes, but why does that matter in politics?

Next, when the vote is taken on the budget, you simply vote NO to everything from 5% to anything but .93%. Councillor Kim Richter is the master of this ploy. Kim loves to go to the expensive Dim Sum buffet and order away at those snow removal buns and the extensive staff study dumplings. But when the bill arrives, the hot mustard is all gone and Cllr. Richter has left the building. It is very easy and actually very cowardly to vote against 4 budgets, but alas, this will be her fifth. Watch Richter in action and watch her take the easy way out with slate cohort Green at her hip.

We've heard that during council meetings Mayor Green and Councillor Richter have been seen many times writing notes on a desk pad and then pointing to the note so that the other could read. My oh my, just little girl school days, eh? They also have a tendency to comment over each others shoulders just like two birds in a mating ritual. Watch the old school days excitement and the head wagging at Council's budget debate meeting. But most importantly, watch the two slate members gingerly extract themselves away from paying the bills of our Township.


Anonymous said...

You are not referring to "tiptoe through the tulips"

The sad issue is this: at a .93% increase, township cannot sustain itself so therefore we WILL pay even higher taxes in the future.

Both Richter and Green know this, I hope the public can see through this. This all a game folks and they want to hang the other councillors...shame shame.

Anonymous said...

'Tip toe through the tulips' or 'two birds in love!' it doesn't matter. I watched the last TV session when all the local Milnerites were speaking out for the fifty millionth time Richter and green were like two love birds in mating season. It was sad actually adn I am sure Bob the viudeo man has it on tap. It might have been a 'hot' item of discussion on the way home betweent the two of them as it is quite obvious to us out in TV land!
As they say in Hawaii - oh, la, la!

Anonymous said...

Yup, you are right, she does piss the public off, not her little band of nogooders but everyone else. Richter for mayor - or NDP candidate.