The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monday Council Meetings

Monday, April 6, 2009 Township Council Meetings

Get involved in your local Township Council and let your informed voice be heard. This week the evening meeting at 7:00pm will include an open microphone on the proposed budget. Council will then vote on the first three readings in order to approve a budget in accordance with the provincial deadline. Click on items to access documents below.

Special Council Meeting
3:00pm - 5:30pm

Minutes of Special Council Meeting March 23, 2009 here

Minutes of Special Meeting of Council for Budget Purposes March 24, 2009 here

Documents that support Special Agenda items:
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9
Doc 10
Doc 11
Doc 12
Doc 13
Doc 14
Doc 15
Doc 16
Doc 17

Regular Council Meeting (including public input on proposed budget)
7:00pm - ?

Minutes of March 23, 2009 Meeting here

Documents that support Regular Agenda items:
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Council meetings, I notice that Horny Toad did another wonderful job of doing his homework. His comment, with respect to a comment I made at the last Council meeting, on the 'other' blog was; "If Fox had to back up when a truck approached then he should have had his eyes done as well when he was in the hospital." is so far from the truth of what I actually said which was, "....I met a truck while crossing the bridge and it was narrow and definitely in need of widening". I guess like his other postings he doesn't do his homework, takes comments out of context and manages to slander anyone he feels isn't aligned with his thought process. I go through a life saving operation and he has the audacity to demean it to the level of implying I should have my eyes done to - a classy comment but typical!
Charlie Fox

Anonymous said...

Well Charlie, you have to keep in mind that our very own Horny Toad is much better than the rest of us. Here are a few examples:

1. The pollsters don't know what they are doing. Forget that the firm used is # 1 in the world, HT and his Glen Valley academic neighbour know far better. (We won't talk about academics and how they generally fail to perform in the real world).

2. Engineers - what do they know about the 232nd bridge and its lifespan? HT has a drivers license and that makes his well-qualified to second-guess the engineers. It does not need replacement he says.

3. Firefighters only go to supermarkets and buy food. They especially love Vancouver supermarkets. Don't ask me why, but HT knows it all.

If this guy is so smart, then what the heck is he doing in Glen Valley? This guy should be on center stage with the likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and a host of other ultra-rich men that so smart that they can't help but rise to the top.

Its high time for HT to pick up stakes and move to Ottawa or something where he can set the world on fire with his thoughts, musings and wisdom. Let's make him Ruler of Canada or something, eh?

Anonymous said...

Add to that grass cutting based on his latest diatribe. He is a true know-it-all, master of multitudes of information and obviously better than all the engineers and others in the Township and beyond. Based on Charlie Fox's comment above, he better be hiring a good lawyer soon, or maybe he is better than all of them to! I truly think it is time he stopped commenting so outragiously and got a real job.