The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Green and Richter Buckle Under Pressure

Monday night's Township Council meeting went as we had blogged. The Green & Richter slate trying to uphold a mere .93% tax increase, with Green's rants of how things could be done differently. No mention of the slim report after 10 weeks of public and secret meetings. No mention of the lack of numbers to support their .93%. It all flies in the face of reality and what a SPIN it is! They had no concrete answers to council questions and this time Green could not defer to staff. What a shame. We think council should have unanimously voted for .93% and then watch as Green & Richter fall flat on their faces. What a sight that would have been, except these councillors care about the ToL and the slate very clearly does not. 

The Langley Times did not disappoint the slate, claiming that the 5% tax increase had nothing to do with municipal funding realities and more about Township residents wanting services and willing to pay for them. The editor's article seems to slam the council members who voted for the increase, makes Green and Richter out to be heros, and then talks of what ToL residents want and expect. Now just how to all those worlds collide Frank? Wow, that is a far stretch indeed.

We also have now confirmed that the other blog has published blatant lies and continues to keep them posted. These accuse some people of living off the "public teat", and that is 100% false. For several years now, Jordan Bateman has been self-employed and continues to develop a very productive business. His campaign finances have been out there for all to see, and there was never any raffle.  

The Real Public Teat

Perhaps rants about the public teat and the other energies of the slate should now be focused on a certain Murrayville B & B that leased their land from the ToL for 99 years at $1? Let's do as with the airport leases and re-open this sweetheart deal and hike the rate up, shall we? Someone needs to investigate how this lease has been allowed to continue. Let's crack the books open on this land lease now!



Anonymous said...

Are you saying that the Murrayville B&B is funded off the Township teat? I agree, reopen the lease or better still, put the land for sale in the Property Endowment Fund, firesale of community land assets. Maybe some speculator would pay top dollar...oh that would be an interesting debate! He would have to pay top dollar for leasing the building.
Mr. solar energy would be lighting up with that suggestion.

Anonymous said...

$1 dollar...when is his lease due?