"I was somewhat surprised at how incumbent Kim Richter seemed to be on the same page with many of her council colleagues at the meeting. Throughout her nine years on council, Richter has often been a voice in the wilderness, decrying the decision of the majority.
I was equally surprised to see Richter and her husband Bob at the Rich Coleman BC Liberal fundraiser on Thursday. Richter is a former NDP member who ran for the federal Liberals in 2004, but to the best of my knowledge has never been active with the BC Liberals. Her attendance at the Coleman dinner indicates that she may be moving more to the right."
1 comment:
Interesting my dear Watson! With the lates events and happenings we know that both Richter and Paterson have clearly swung to the farrrrrrr left. Thde more things chnage the more they stay the same. This aligning with provincial politcal parties by these two is fascinating and even more fascinating was Mr. S. Dyson's hasty response when S. Paterson thought she would throw a red herring out there and see if she could garner support for the NDP nomination - a quick rebuttal of her value to the party!
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