Now one week has passed since our first expose of a Township Council in-camera leak of Mayor Green's "Piece of the Puzzle Uncovered"to the NDP the day before the official release by Mayor and Council. None of the local newspapers have said one word about this leak and Brian Lewis of The Province is nowhere to be found. Who leaked this in-camera information to the NDP and why?
Its also very funny that this big puzzle has led to nothing. The only one that seems puzzled by all this is Mayor Rick Green. He and his cronies "uncovered" a document that has existed for 20+ years and apparently was no big secret. But Green did take this in-camera from the get-go and then it was leaked. Who is the source of this leak? How can the residents of Langley Township ever trust the integrity of our municipality unless leaks of this sort are fully investigated and the person or persons are punished? Where are you Brian Lewis????
Its also very clear that Mayor Rick Green and his sidekick Kim Richter backed the wrong horse in the MLA races for Langley and Fort Langley-Aldergrove. Green is very proud to be an old Social Credit party member. But it is very clear that Green is a Rafe Mair Socred that now leans very left and embraces the socialists. Did Councillor Kim Richter have that great an impact on Mayor Green or did this socialist streak appear before the unholy alliance and formation of the Green-Richter Slate?

As we reported post-election, Mayor Green was nowhere to be found at Rich Coleman nor Mary Polak's victory parties. Can we assume he was at the union hall holding boxes of tissues for NDP losers Kathleen Stephany and Gail Chaddock-Costello? One could joke about Abbott and Costello, but it would really have to be The Three Stooges.
Hummmmmmmmmmmm, integrity, how does that sound? Not!
I guess they need a plumber on Council to fix the leaks. Like Vancouver's situation it likely would be hard to actually convict someone 'officially' but there is little doubt in most people's mind who it likely was.
Joy to the world,
The flip flopper is alive!
Come on folks forget this hypocracy and be a Liberal or an NDPer, forget this drinking the water from both taps.....bad news!
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