The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rick Green Spends Money That Is Not His

The Township of Langley has Bylaws that guide how our government operates. Bylaws make things fair for all and seek to serve all equally. On Monday, June 14th Township Council will have a Public Hearing night and one of the subjects will be the final phase of Bedford Landing in Fort Langley.

In accordance with the Township Bylaw, staff mail notices to households within a stated area of the proposed development along with advertising in the local newspapers and a sign on the proposed site. All who are affected thereby receive legal notice of the meeting and can attend the Public Hearing.

The Public Hearing notification Bylaw more importantly establishes cost recovery for these mailed notices and such. The Township processes the mailing and then bills the developer for the costs of said notification.

About a week ago, Mayor Rick Green short-circuited the Public Hearing Bylaw and ordered a letter that was drafted by him to be distributed to all Fort Langley residents. Because the mayor's notification was outside the Bylaw, all Township taxpayers are now stuck with the bill for the mayor's letter. Are all Township residents happy to fund Mayor Green's re-election campaign? More importantly, now that the Bylaw has apparently been violated, will this now mean that the Township will have to notify all residents of all affected communities moving forward and in order to be fair to all? How much is this going to cost us taxpayers?

Mayor Rick Green did not vote for the budget in 2009 and also in 2010. How is it that he is allowed to circumvent the Bylaw and cause ToL taxpayers to incur these expenses? All Township residents should be outraged by this flagrant abuse of power.


Anonymous said...

Mayor & Council have an obligation to follow proper, prescribed and legal process. This structure & process is explicit in the Township's constitution and bylaws. It ensures order. It protects everyone equally, predictably and fairly(regardless of whether one is friends with the Mayor, knows someone on Council, or has weekly coffees with a Staffer).

Spending tax payers dollars, 'out of order' is wrong - regardless of intention. By doing so, Mayor Green is undermining the entire system. Will I be heard and treated the same as my neighbor? Will I have to pay & he/she won't?

This uncertainty creates frustration and anger among the masses. This is no way to run a municipality.

Just imagine if "The Skipper" decided to make random decisions & run amock on Gilligan's Island? How would the Professor, Mr. & Mrs. Howell & each of "the girls" react?

Answer: Each would react in their own way. Each would do what they wanted. Chaos. Ultimatly: mutiny.

If Mayor Green continues to follow his current "Lone-Ranger-Bull-in-a-China-Shop" philosophy and tactics, there will be mutiny here,too.

He is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

Well stated. I for one have no interest in this partisan politicing that he endeavours to continue. How overtly fraudulant can he be, I guess the sky is the limit with this dude or did I say dud!