The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mayor Green Misled Council and Township Lawyers


A shocking release late yesterday from the Township of Langley Council perhaps provides the proof as to why Township Council has been unable to work with this mayor and for good reason. Mayor Green apologized verbally and in writing to Council and Township lawyers for misleading them! Beforehand, Green was trying to accuse two innocent Township residents and a municipal employee of "improper or unlawful conduct".

This press release details that facts that include 1) Green misled Council in calling an Emergency Meeting of Council back on October 29, 2009 and then "The Mayor misrepresented his knowledge of the true facts and failed to disclose to Council true facts". Click on this press release here:

This was partly related to an anonymous letter that Green alleged supported allegations of improper or unlawful conduct on the part of two Township residents and a municipal employee. A claim that apparently has be judged unfounded by Council in affirming confidence in the employee.

Council has apparently been giving Mayor Green the benefit of due process by keeping these incidents in-camera for almost a year. We are told that at today's Special Meeting of Council men identified as lawyers had been seen rushing in and out of the meeting and bring Township Chief Administrative Office (CAO) Mark Bakken behind closed doors for at least 4 discussions. Council finally moved decisively to censure Mayor Green today and to remove him from committees. Here is the motion approved by Township Council with Mayor Green opposed. Click document to enlarge:

Mayor Green has called a press conference at the Township's Municipal Facility for 10:00am on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 to explain himself. This should be a very tall tail after all the apparent shenanigans over the past year. Now we see why Council could not work with this mayor and why Green tried at all cost to paint Council as the black hearts. A large crack in Green's armour has occurred and it will be interesting to see if he can now humble himself a bit and face the facts.

Note that this was not the "Council Six-Pack" leading the charge here, as Cllr. Kim Richter is the councillor that put forth the motion to censure and apply punishment.


Anonymous said...

Gee, one of your friends give you the press release? Man, your blog is tiresome.

Anonymous said...

"Friends aren't needed to get copies of public documents that have been distributed to the public. You are obviously a "Greenie" and the truth hurts you very much.

So do you support misleading people and acting in this manner? Is this how you live your life Mr. Anonymous?

DandyDan said...

Hey Buddy (Mr. Anonymous)

Go to the "Rick Green on the job" page if you don't like it here and you want to be fed bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any insight into why the Mayor would mislead council et al about having this anonymous letter and a list of suggested wrongdoings . . ? did any of these wrong doings have anything to do with the Mayors office in any way? Is the problem that the Mayor should have acted on this letter from September 2009 earlier but did not?

I'm new to this story and am trying to get up to speed on it.

Tyler Toonie said...

Best to go here and ask that question as not many will see it here. Go to: