Did Langley lawyer Calvin Patterson give Mayor Rick Green a donation of $1,000 during the 2008 campaign? Yes. Did Mayor Rick Green wine and dine Mr. Patterson and others in the mayor's office on inauguration night? Yes. Did Mayor Rick Green appoint Calvin Patterson to the Mayor's Standing Finance Committee most recently? Yes. Mayor Rick Green and his Disgruntled 100 supporters have a very selective view of what conflicts of interest are, and that is putting it kindly.
The Langley Times Hates Blogs
It is very interesting that Langley Times Editor Frank Bucholtz cannot write a single editorial these days without mentioning those darn local blogs. Friday was no exception, with Bucholtz writing this week,
"All those people who profess such concern about municipal spending and operations need to make their views known when open houses on the proposed budget take place next Wednesday and Thursday. They need to let members of council know, in no uncertain terms, where they stand.
It’s one thing to verbally complain about spending, write a letter or make nasty remarks anonymously on a blog. It’s quite another to come out to an open house, listen to what is proposed, and offer an informed opinion about how the Township should spend tax dollars"
Shortly after taking office, Green was overheard on Douglas Day telling Sonya Paterson that he had the Langley Times editor in his "back pocket". We can therefore understand why we would be hated, as we tend to undo any publicist assistance that is afforded to the good mayor. We gather that reporters of a certain newspaper have been fitted with duck tape, hence our Langley Mimes comments.
Mr. Bucholtz and his Langley Times needs to wake up and realize they are in 2009. The Langley Advance is trying out blogs for their editor and reporters (smart move) at a time when the print news is going the way of the dinosaur...quickly. Many people under 30 have no landline, simply using their cell phones as their only phone. The e-mail address has replaced the physical address for many, many people. The IP address has become more important than the postal code. People are dumping cable TV and watching programming on computers.
People are sick and tired of reading the local fluff. You can only read so many "happily ever after" stories before you long for professional journalism and a healthy dose of investigative reporting. Time for the local rags to grow a pair and quit being lazy. Do your job or go home with your tails between your legs an allow the bloggers to give it to you straight, just as we have done here.
Dear Editor,
There was a program this morning about the destruction of the newspaper industry.
Seattle PI is one that died very recently. I heard that they are now going to be an online paper only.
"I've got the Langley Times in my back pocket" That is exactly why newspapers are dying and that is the reason the Langley Times is putting itself in jeopardy. Their biased support of this new mayor and his band of disgruntled losers are in favour, fortunately the rest of the community realize this and as advertising contracts fall off and the readership dwindles due to the papers bias being so evident, maybe the owners will make some changes. Time for the big wigs in Black Press to realize they are doing no favours to anyone and least of all themselves when the silent majority is ignored for the misinformed minority. When Green announces something like the statement above publicly it is time to revisit who the Langley Times really are and who they serve - take note Dwayne W.!
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