A Witch Hunt commenced at the direction of the Green-Richter slate. This Witch Hunt was named the Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance. Mayor Green ruled as Chair of this committee, with Cllr. Richter being appointed as Vice Chair by the mayor (sort of a King and Queen of the finance ball).
After 10 weeks of work, this Finance Committee (with questionable qualifications) proposed nothing concrete that one could immediately implement to drastically impact the budget, taxes, nor produce any significant savings. The report is an absolute joke to anyone with prior business and budgeting experience. Any finance professional would be ashamed to put their name to it, especially when the conclusions don't align with the spreadsheets. We've checked with some reputable accountants that said they would never put their names to such political nonsense.
Both Green and Richter have very clear fiduciary responsibilities to all the residents of the Township of Langley. Both have ignored the needs of the municipality, in favour of political posturing and rhetoric. Kim Richter has never voted to approve any Township budget, so it is no surprise that she would reject this one and cast the finger of blame squarely at her council colleagues. This is the same Kim Richter that spoke on council inauguration night about working together with these same colleagues.
Shame on you Rick Green and Kim Richter for your reckless and irresponsible behaviour in council. As the picture well states, no single rain drop believes it is to blame for the flood. But your rhetoric is catching up with you and the lies are being dispelled weekly. Council did not abdicate their fiduciary responsibilities nor their concern for the long-term viability of this Township. Shame-shame on you two for being irresponsible with our finances.
Once again Editor you are right-on! These two hypocrits are running amuck these days and are a shameful example of what sound leadership is all about. One only has to look at the other bXXX to know how silly they can get and how out of touch with the TRUTH they and soime of their posters are - shame, shame!
Bad Poetry - But I tried!
One little, two little followers
Making all their decisions together
Can't think for themselves,
So need to team up and be but one.
Getting all their ideas from their
Small group of followers
They don't do what is right
For the Township as a whole.
Never voting for a budget
Yet sreaming for better services
Makes one wonder if they know
How to make a community for all.
Comfort comes when you have a buddy
Richter has finally found one
Now she feels impowered to do
Whatever is wrong for us all.
Snow plowing improvments
Filling pot holes,
Better water protection
Mean nothing at zero! (0% taxes)
Deficit and service cuts
Future major tax increases
With no reserves left for ahead
Mean nothing at 9-3 (.93% taxes)
The Finance Committee
My buddies and we,
feel stiffed and ashamed
that 6 on Council can see.
What we lost sight of
When we set to do our work
And made those weak recommendations
That were a joke for all to see.
Please tell me what Kim Richter stands for? In my humble opinion, she is all over the place.
Therefore a wasted seat.
Green and Richter made such an issue around the LEC funding.
In Green's mayor's report he talked about fighting the past election and they were always going to fund the LEC centre.
My question to Green/Richter, if you were going to always fund it, so where was the money going to come from?
With the Richter motion of snow removal, so where was the money going come from?
If you don't know where the money is going to come from and you belong to a financial review committee...that is irresponsible?
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