The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time For A Full BC Law Society Investigation

The Law Society of BC
Annotated Professional Conduct Handbook CHAPTER 2 - INTEGRITY

Dishonourable conduct

1. A lawyer must not, in private life, extra-professional activities or professional practice, engage in dishonourable or questionable conduct that casts doubt on the lawyer's professional integrity or competence, or reflects adversely on the integrity of the legal profession or the administration of justice.
Last week it was suggested by Mayor Rick Green that the brown enveloped discussed in our previous post came to him anonymously in his mailbox. But after Green's press conference the regional media did some digging and found that this could be yet another false witness from Mayor Green. People named in the corporate documents know that a single person accessed those real estate documents, and that there are specific rules around how they are accessed.

Is Mayor Green misleading the citizens of the Township of Langley in an attempt to protect a campaign supporter and local real estate lawyer? We've been connecting those dots and something just doesn't add up when Green tried to whitewash this whole incident and place the blame solely on Township Council. How can we trust a man that has been proven to mislead lawyers and Council for about 10 months?

It is high time that the folks in the know expose this local lawyer and file a formal complaint with the Law Society of BC so that this individual is fully investigated. If wrongdoing is found to be true and he perpetrated this act to smear people in our community, then the book needs to be thrown at him.

It is high time that Mayor Green stop protecting his friends and starts telling us how he really came to receive the documents in question and what the purpose and intent was. It is high time to bring this lawyer to justice. We call on the Law Society of BC to investigate the matter now and not wait any longer.


Anonymous said...

This story has so many angles and the Mayor has misled the public and Council in so many aspects of this whole affair. The media like the Province and the Times take his side what a crock. Frank you are deficient in your journalism and so out to lunch with your editorial. This Mayor has some real issues and you support him! You too must have got sucked in like the Mayor's supporters. Now we have a local lawyer invovled, Frank what about that story - do your research and find the real goods on this one. This Mayor has got to go, I believe he has some real issues, ones we need professional support for.

View from Here... said...

A friend of mine always said - you should never lie - it's too difficult to remember what you say to who.

Seems like this is a case of that, in so many ways.

No matter what the Mayor does from here on in, how do we trust him - unless you have horses that is. If you have horses you can be sure he's going to back what ever you want! can we trust what he says? I hope someone will come forward with something that sorts that out for me......